Evolving Treatment Landscape of EoE: Applying the Latest Evidence to Optimize Care Clinical Brief #2

Diagnosis of EoE

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic type 2 inflammatory disease that affects approximately 41 in 100,000 Americans and is associated with a significant clinical and psychosocial burden. EoE is characterized by accumulation of eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells in the esophagus and, when poorly controlled, leads to remodeling, narrowing, and fibrosis. Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for guiding treatment and preventing potentially irreversible esophageal damage.

Join our esteemed faculty as they discuss key strategies to improve the outcomes of patients with EoE. Topics will include the importance of early, accurate diagnosis of EoE to avoid irreversible damage and help guide therapy.

Recent evidence shows that delays in EoE diagnosis are still persistent. Diagnostic delays that lead to poor control are common and about 1 in 3 patients will have diagnostic delays of more than 10 years!

Listen to Dr. Aceves and Dr. Hirano discuss diagnosing EoE, and the most important issues to bear in mind when EoE is suspected in a patient.